
This site contains sexually oriented adult material intended for Adults 18 years of age or older and of legal age to view sexually explicit material as determined by the local and national laws of the region in which you reside.


By clicking the ENTER button below, you are declaring that all of the following six statements are true and release and discharge "BriannaUS.com" it's officials or employees and advertisers of this site from and against any claims, liability, losses, costs, damages, or expenses (including attorney's fees) arising from my use of or participation in this service or the information contained therein.  

1.  I am of legal age and I am not prohibited by law of my country, state, or local community to posses or view sexually explicit material.

2.  I do not object to nor find offensive, sexually explicit images of nude adults engaged in sex or sexual acts.

3.  I do not object to, nor find offensive, sexually explicit language or stories.

4.  I am not an employee of the United states government or any law enforcement agency.

5.  I believe in the principals of the First Amendment which hold that free adults have the right to decide for themselves what they will view without government inference and consent to viewing adult -orientated material  "Brianna.US.com"  under no circumstances consent or have knowledge of any illegal activities; ANYTHING ELSE that happens is a matter of personal choice between two or more adults of legal age.      


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